Everything went well. Until Monday 8 March 2010. Juanre did not sleep well. She started to vomit and vomit. She doesn't want to eat. She kept on vomiting we called th specialist in Vereeniging she said we have to bring her in if she is not better by Thursday.
Thursday morning my husband said we must pack we are leaving at 10. So here we go 510km back to Vereeniging. From Monday unil Thursday she did not eat anything. Just drink a little bit of water and Energade.
Thank the Lord all the way to Vereeniging she did not vomit.
She was pale as a sheet and she pad not looking so well.
We had an appointment with the specialist on Friday at 9. When she saw her. She was glad that she did not dihidrated. She look good for her.
She wanted to she how her colon was doing so poor Juanre had to go for x-rays' again and for a sonar.
Thank the Lord everything is fine there. Dr said it is a bug.
Saterday moring Juanre still vomiting. We battle to get the medicine into her mouth she fights alot.
Saterday she says her stomach is very hurt. We took her to ER and dr draw some blood to see if she didn't had a bloodclot in her veins. Thank you Jesus there was nothing.
So Sunday Juanre looked better and we came home. The vomiting stopped and she drank a little more but she ate nothing.
On Wednesday Morning Juanre starte to eat again. Halleluja.
Today Friday my child is eating and drinking and is her old self.
What a Mighty God we serve.
Thank you for all your prayers. May the Lord Bless you abanduntly.
Friday, March 19, 2010
On the road to recovery

Since Juanre was discharge from the hospital on the 14th of Feb 2010. She had a lot of pain. I could only give her Panado syrup and Ponstan Syrup 10ml's of each every 6 hours. She could drink something that had stimulants in that wouldd trigger the epilepsy.
Every night my husband and I had to clean the wound. It was so traumatic for her she screamed like mad. But we had to do it. After about 14days the first 10stiches had to be taken out by a doctor. And oh boy was he so clinical. And cold as ice. He just told her to shup up because I am not hurting you. She scream: "Mommy!! Mommy!!" and everytime the doctor put the stiches she screamed. My husband and I and the lady that worked at the reception had to hold her. She is very very strong. I was so upset. Aftr about 15 min it was over. My husband asked the doctor if we can not give something for Juanre to calm her. He just replied "No" I was in a state.
We went home and I gave my little girl a calm pill that the doctor in Vereeniging precribed because when we got home from Vereeniging Juanre had 3 seisures due to al the anxiety and happyness to be home at last. The calm pill Urbanol work very good.
Two days after all the trauma with the stiches Juanre had a seisure it was because of all the trauma she when through the doctor told us. I was in a state.
A week later we had to remove the rest of the stitches. and thank the Lord our little town has a Dr Ellis. He said I must give her some medicine that he prescribed and it worked. She was so calm. She cried but not as much as the first time. When all was done she even told him: " Thank you "
So we went home and she recovers very well.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Juanre was very sick in January 2010
On the 8th of January 2010 we went to visit my father who had his appendix removed that same day. We drove 510km to visit him. My father's appendix had burst. He was laying in the ICU. They kept him sedated on the ventilator. It was very sad for me to see him like that. 10 years ago my mother laid in the very same Hospital in the very same ICU unit just across from where my 67 year old father laid.
The Saturday our daughter Juanre started to complain her tummy pains. She did not sleep at all that night. Sunday morning 10 January 2010 we took her to the doctor and he said she had Gastro. She started to vomit. Dr. Gave her an injection and some medicine. We went home to my father’s house.
Later that Sunday she got worse we went back to the ER and she saw another doctor. He said she had an infection in her tummy. He gave her another injection.
That night we didn’t close our eyes she went to the bathroom to rinse her face about a 1000 times. The following morning we were so exhausted but we took her back to the ER. There were another doctor and he said we had to take X-rays and a sonar. They show some free liquid in her abdomen.
The surgeon was called in and he said because she is non verbal he suspected that he had to remove her appendix. Which he did.
Juanre stayed in hospital for 3 days her tummy all swollen and with a lot of discomfort we called in the specialist. She said they had to operate. They took another scan, x-rays and sonar. It showed that there was an obstacle in her colon. She did not eat anything. Nothing. Just went to the toilet 100 times. On Sunday 17 January 2010, another surgeon operated on her. What he saw was so frightening for my husband and myself. Part of the colon had a small hole in it so all the dirt came out of that hole and then went to the left side of her colon. What a mess. The doctor had to make a large cut to be able to take out the colon and clean it as best he could. Then he said to us we must hope and pray that there are not other holes or else she would carry a bag for the rest of her life. At that moment I prayed to the Lord and said that she will not have that. She will be fine. They put her in ICU. In the same place where my mother laid 10 years ago. O that was very bad and sad for me.
In the meantime my father got better and he was in the general ward. Walking up and down and recovering. Juanre laid in the ICU with her hands strapped because she pulled out the drips and the tubes. And to put it back again is so traumatic for her she screams and kicks 4 to 6 persons had to held a 11 year old Autistic child just to get blood. She had to get 2 units of blood. The oxygen in her blood was very low. At 82% it was low, after the blood transfusion it went up to 94%.
Tuesday evening we were very concerned that our little girl was not going to make it. We really thought she was going to die that night. We went to my father bed and we all prayed together.
My father said he wanted to walk with us to the entrance of the hospital. Then he greeted everybody and he hold me, I was crying. He said: “What ever happens tonight remember it is the Lord’s will, but that he will pray that Juanre will be healed and she will be...” I asked him what does he mean and he replied with just what I say.
Half past three the following morning the phone rang. It was the hospital. I felt numb I could not breath I thought it was my little baby. They are going to tell me she is worse or even dead. But instead they told me over the phone that my father had a heart attack and he is not looking very well. We better come. I was in shock. I told my husband and he called my brother. We rushed to the hospital. The whole way I just pray Lord I do not want to see where they rush and run around trying to help him. Him gasping for air. You know like you see in the movies. Instead.......
When we got there it felt like ages. The nurse stood there in the passage everything was calm and quiet . We walked up to her and in her very calm voice she said: “I am so sorry, your daddy passed away.........” I burst out into tears. It was so unbelievable I couldn’t talked. My brother cried, my husband burst out into tears. It was so....so..........final.
They staff of the hospital were so great. They gave us some tea. Our Pastor and his lovely wife came straight away to comfort us.
Juanre was still in ICU but she was fine. We held my father’s funeral on the Friday. And wow what a sermon it was. Jesus was and is my father’s friend. Everybody who knew my father knew that he had a personal relationship with his Friend Jesus. My father told all the staff in the hospital and the other patients about his Friend. The he asked them is He your Friend too? Wow!! That assurance we have that my father is now with his Friend, and all his loved ones.
Juanre was still in ICU and she was doing great. All the tubes were off. Saturday she went to the children’s ward. She looked very good but the wound opened. She they had to clean it every day and she screamed. Finally we went to my father house but Juanre and I had to go to the hospital every second day to clean the wound that was so traumatic for her and for me. She was in the hospital for 23 days. I took her back to the surgeon and he said he must open up again but just the top layer of skin. And then he will put in some stitches like in the old days. That worked.
We came home finally on the 14th of February 2010
Last week Monday Juanre started to vomit and vomit and she eat nothing. We called the specialist and she said if she is not better by Thursday we better bring her in so we took her back travel 510km again. They took sonar’s, x-rays and blood again. And thank the Lord everything is clean and fine. It seems that she had gastritis. From 8 to 15 March 2010 he ate nothing. She started to eat only the 16th. Thank the Lord.
So we take every day one at a time. Thank you for all our family and friends who pray for us. Who stand by us during this time. For looking after my other 2 children. Special thanks to Aunt Rita for looking after Juanre in the Hospital for long hours so that I can sort out all the stuff of my father. Or just to rest. Thank you for Pastor Errol for your regular visits’ in hospital and at home. Thank you for my Sister in Law all the way from Zimbabwe for taking over the house hold at my father’s house. Making dinner and making sure we rested. For my other sister in law from Hertzogville who came all the way to come and help and for your support. We love you dear one. May the Lord Bless you abundantly.
Juanre has a cold now. But she is much better.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Our Trip to the Kuruman Airfield.
On Friday we took the Children to the Airfield of Kurumna there Wynand Lotter waited for us. He is the instructor of Kimberley Flying School he said the kids could get into the airplane where he taught the people to fly. And was this great. Their faces said it all. Uncle Gerhard van der Westhuizen also came along to take the kids with his Cruzer onto the airstrip and explained how things work. Then they said Wynand is going to take Miss Milla for a flight. She was so nervous and also very happy. The kids enjoyed watching them taking off and flew over us. Then Wynand took her for a tour over Kuruman. Then he brought her back. Afterwards he let the kids get into the plane that goes from Kuruman to Johannesburg ever second day. WOW! that was so cool. To end of the day the kids got ice cold colddrink with cupcakes and chips.
Thank you very very much Uncle Wynand and Uncle Gerhard we will never forget it.
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