Thursday, December 30, 2010

And so the year 2010 comes to an end.....

Yes what a year for us. But we pulled through with the help of the Lord because by ourselves we would never have come through this year.
We were on the farm for a week or so but it was to hot so we came back home. Home-sweet-home.
Our Christmas was very very quite and sad. But we survived. No the day after tomorrow it will be New Year 2011. And it will also be a very quite one.

I pray that we will have a blessed and prosporous 2011. As the same for all our family and friends.

One thing to look forward is a visit from Carol Vikos from SNAP and then in Feb my sister in law's daughter is gettting married so that is great.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sonja, ek het huiswerk vir jou! Sal jy asb daar by my loer en deelneem?? Dankie Hoor!
