Sunday, August 16, 2009

Field Trip of Juanre and Ruben

I am so busy with the kids. I do not really get the time to blog. But I want to tell you that last Friday we took the children to our local Grocery Store and they walked through all the racks. Juanre ofcourse just wanted this trip the be over and done with. She walked so fast. When they were finised walking in the store. The store Manager Mark took the kids to the bakery so we all put on some approns and hats and plastic arm covers I will call it. Then we went into the bakery it was very nice for all the children to see how bread was made. They really enjoyed it.
The kids had to buy fruit that they learned in class. Apples, Bannans, Strawberries, Pears and Oranges. They loved the shopping.

After that we took them to Steers for an icecream.

When they got back to school they ate all their fruit. It was a very good day for them.


  1. We have a five year old son with ASD. I have done the short version of the SANP course and get regular informative emails from Autism SA, but have always wanted to start a support group for parents and children in the Northern Cape living with the challenges of ASD. What a blessing to have found your blog Sonja! People need to be informed abount ASD especially in our region, because it is taking on epidemic proportions (1 out of every 150 children). Erika

  2. Hallo Sonja, my name is Sonja too! I have 4 children, one has autism and one has aspergers,my other two are normal. We live in Mpumalanga. There is no support for autism here and I don't know where to start. It is been a bitt more than a year since I found out about my sons.

  3. Hi Erika sorry I reply only now. As you can see we had quit a rough time. And I didn't realy know how this blog thing works. lol.
    Yes our region is very badly informed about ASD. I realy want to get more people involved. Even if we can just support each other by writing on the blog it is fine. Because I feel as if I am the only mommy with 2 kids who are on the spectrum. We are have a fundraising this term will keep you posted. And it would be great if there are people out there who need help for there Autistic child.
